Deep Sleep Sounds is an app that helps people fall asleep by playing soothing sounds. DSS helps its users create healthier sleeping patterns.
<p>DSS was looking to increase its conversion to purchase and ARPU by elevating the user experience and internal user flows using transformative insights.<p>
<p>The app saw Applica as a match, as Applica has vast experience in defining the most successful monetization strategies and creating revenue growth drivers.<p>
<p>After setting the goals according to DSS’s wishes and priorities, Applica determined the Product and Design audits as the most essential ones. These audits focused on analyzing the app’s user flows, and the most attention went to the onboarding process.<p>
<p>The Applica team examined the onboarding level of personalization and its potential to increase engagement potential.<p>
<p>Applica developed a new onboarding flow from scratch as well as its design and helped DSS with implementation and analysis. The main focus was personalization, which was achieved through additional specific onboarding questions that made the flow more appealing to the user. DSS launched an A/B test based on Applica’s advice.<p>
conversions to purchase
<p>After running an A/B test on their onboarding process, DSS compared their metric levels with the ones they had with their old onboarding version. With the new extended onboarding, conversion to purchase increased by 46.08%, and ARPU increased by 52.82%.<p>